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Haben Sie Probleme bei der Entscheidung, ob Sie externe Entwickler einstellen oder Ihr Produkt selbst entwickeln sollen? Diese Frage stellt sich vielen Unternehmern regelmäßig. In diesem Artikel befassen wir uns mit den Vor- und Nachteilen beider Optionen und berücksichtigen dabei Faktoren wie Preis, Qualifikationsniveau und Projektkomplexität.

Fast 60 % der Unternehmen lagern derzeit ihre App-Entwicklung aus, da Outsourcing als kosteneffiziente Option immer beliebter wird. Auf der anderen Seite bevorzugen Unternehmen, die eine kontinuierliche Projektunterstützung und Zusammenarbeit benötigen, interne Entwickler, da sie mehr Kontrolle und Flexibilität bieten.

Die spezifischen Bedürfnisse und Ziele Ihres Unternehmens entscheiden darüber, ob Sie interne Entwickler einstellen oder externe Entwickler beauftragen. Indem Sie die Vor- und Nachteile jeder Lösung analysieren, können Sie eine fundierte Entscheidung treffen, die Ihren Bedürfnissen, Ihrem Budget und den Anforderungen Ihres Projekts entspricht. Lassen Sie uns also loslegen und mehr über dieses wichtige Thema erfahren!

Überblick über interne und ausgelagerte Softwareentwicklung

Die Zahl der Unternehmen, die die Softwareentwicklung als primäre Methode zur Erreichung ihrer Geschäftsziele nutzen, ist in den letzten Jahren stetig gestiegen und wird auch in den kommenden Jahren weiter steigen, was der Softwareentwicklungsbranche zugute kommen wird. Die Nachfrage nach qualifizierten und erfahrenen Softwareentwicklern im Technologiesektor ist proportional gestiegen.


Zu berücksichtigende Faktoren vor der Entscheidung für interne oder ausgelagerte Softwareentwicklung

Bevor Sie sich zwischen interner und ausgelagerter Softwareentwicklung entscheiden, sollten Sie unbedingt einige wichtige Faktoren berücksichtigen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die richtige Wahl für Ihr Unternehmen treffen. Die drei wichtigsten Punkte, über die Sie nachdenken sollten, sind unten aufgeführt:


Depending on the scope and complexity of your project, the cost of in-house software development may be higher than the cost of outsourcing. Due to the lower overheads associated with outsourcing providers, you may be able to get a high-quality product at a much lower cost.

Time to market

Both in-house and outsourced software development have a fixed deadline for completion. Outsourcing can dramatically reduce time to market because external vendors leverage existing infrastructure, whereas internal teams often take longer to develop products because there is often more bureaucracy.

However, there are some circumstances where hiring an in-house development team can reduce the time to market for a product, provided the startup or company is adaptable and agile enough to keep up with changing market demands and trends. Consider the following three approaches when thinking about time to market:

  • Traditional development
  • Accelerated development
  • Additional innovation

Depending on the size and complexity of your product, each technique may work differently, but whether done internally or externally, a well-established process is essential to meeting deadlines and launch dates.

Quality assurance

Whether you choose in-house or outsource software development, quality assurance is important. High quality assurance standards ensure that your product meets your customers‘ needs and expectations.

In software development, it is crucial to set the right performance metrics to evaluate the usability and performance of the finished product. Every software development project must have a baseline or predetermined metric for performance and customer satisfaction.

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This way, you can ensure that you can modify the product as needed to provide the best possible user experience for your customers. Another benefit of outsourcing is that you have access to a larger talent pool, meaning there’s likely to be a specialist on hand who knows how to develop truly trustworthy solutions.

On the other hand, having in-house teams gives you more control over the process and better access to the product development process. This can contribute to better customer satisfaction and a higher level of quality assurance.

Whatever choice you make, make sure you thoroughly vet any potential contractor or developer before signing a contract. This way you can reduce risks, ensure a smooth development process, and ensure the quality and security of the program.

Finally, keep in mind that both in-house and outsourced software development have certain advantages and disadvantages, so you should carefully consider your requirements before making a decision. Now, let’s discuss the exact advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to best use in-house and outsourced software development.

Which takes more time to hire: in-house or outsourcing?

As you’ll see, hiring for any other role takes about the same amount of time as hiring IT developers.

Take a look at these hiring statistics.

  • The average time it takes to hire a new employee is 49 days .
  • By 2031, the demand for software developers in the US is expected to grow by 25% . Compared to other professions, this is much faster.
  • Highly skilled developers are more likely to turn down a job offer if you do not hear from them for more than 4 weeks after the initial interview. The reason for this is that another company has acquired them by then.

What do these numbers tell us? They tell us that speed is critical when hiring internal developers.

But even if you act as quickly as possible, you will still have to wait more than a month to find and hire a potential employee.

Hiring an internal development team can take anywhere from 43 days to several months, depending on the size of the team.

On the other hand, it takes a few weeks to assemble an external development team. Once you find the service that interests you, you will probably have a series of consultations and/or virtual meetings to discuss the possibilities, project scope, contracting models and costs, interview the team, etc. Depending on the complexity of your project and the clarity of the specifications you create, this can take a lot of time or it can be relatively quick.

Which is better?

The better option is outsourcing. Research shows that hiring an outsourced team can be done much faster than hiring an in-house team.

Which is more affordable: in-house or outsourcing?

Let’s start with the most controversial topic

Salary range of in-house developers

How much money you need to pay your developers depends on their expertise, their location, their industry and the project they will be working on.

With an average annual salary of $82,740, the expected total salary for an IT professional in the United States is $101,744 per year. The expected annual salary increase is $19,004, including cash bonuses, commissions, tips, and profit sharing:

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According to a study by Joe Hadzima, a lecturer at MIT , the actual cost of a new in-house developer can be 2.7 times the base salary, due to payroll taxes, benefits, required office space, and other expenses.

In Europe, especially in Germany, the average annual income of a software developer is €89,000 . The expected annual salary increase is €4,000. Bonuses, commissions, tips and profit sharing count as additional compensation.

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Cost of Outsourcing

With outsourcing, the total cost is known in advance. Each region has a different hourly rate for an individual developer.

According to Statista, software development outsourcing is expected to see a sharp increase in revenue, with the sector’s total revenue estimated at $95.85 billion in 2023. This is a considerable improvement from the previous year and illustrates the industry’s long-term, steady expansion. The increasing use of outsourcing services by companies across a variety of industries is one of the main factors driving this expansion. Many companies are turning to third-party service providers to achieve these goals as they seek to streamline their processes, reduce costs, and remain competitive.

Across Europe, Germany has the largest number of professional developers. Outsourcing software development projects to German companies can cost between €94 and €140 ($100 to €150) per hour. This cost is still lower than hiring an in-house developer.

Fact: About 78% of companies report significant success when outsourcing their labor requirements.

Toptal has developed a tool to calculate the true cost of an in-house employee versus an outsourced employee . This calculator was developed using a typical list of infrastructure costs paid by the company.

Here is a list of all infrastructure costs (indirect costs) paid by the company:

  • Accounting fees
  • Advertising
  • Bank charges and fees
  • Training costs
  • Check orders
  • Computer-Hardware
  • Sick days

While this list includes many overhead items, it’s important to note that it’s not even all of them. Many companies have a number of indirect costs that don’t fit into any of the above categories.

According to their analysis, an in-house employee’s hourly rate doubles when all expenses are added together, while an outsourced developer’s total costs only increase by about 20% of their base salary.

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Which is better?

The average total cost of an outsourced developer per hour is less than the total cost of an in-house developer per hour. This means that you save money by hiring an external developer.

Outsourcing is a win in this situation!

What is more flexible and faster: in-house or outsourcing?

It can be challenging to start a new project immediately when your team is fully booked for several months.

In addition, the flexibility of an internal team is limited.

To grow the team, you need time to recruit and onboard new members, as on average it takes 90 days for an employee to complete the onboarding and training. It would also be wise to reduce the number of employees if it becomes too large for a particular task. However, downsizing an internal team is difficult because you have to lay off your employees.

In comparison, you can simply hire an outsourcing agency once you have made the decision to start development and then increase or decrease the number of outsourced employees as needed.

Bottom line: Outsourced developers can achieve 100% productivity within 5 to 10 working days .

Which is better?

The winner in this situation is outsourcing. There is simply no comparison between being able to complete a development project in less than three weeks and having to wait three months or more.

Why is outsourcing a better option?

Outsourcing gives you a greater advantage over your competitors. Outsourcing helps you:

  • Save time and money.
  • Optimization of resources
  • Hiring top technologists
  • Scalability
  • Improving product quality


In the end, it is a strategic decision: do you want to develop software yourself, even if it is not your business? Or do you want to concentrate on your core business?

At skillbyte we can help you with outsourcing. You have several options:

A) Outsource your project completely

B) Staff your project with individual developers from us

C) Staff your project with entire teams from us.

For B) and C), however, we don’t just provide development resources. Our employees are specially trained to strengthen your team culturally and initiate a transformation. With best practices, coaching and culture. If you want to know how? Then please get in touch.